Ten months ago was my last blog post. Even now, do I really have time for this? No, but wow what a reality check to realize how long it has been since I have had time to focus on my own art career over this WONDERFUL new retail adventure that has been the Carleton Place Gallery.

I ADORE my new business. Truly. But when I have said in the past that I wish I could clone myself to be able to do multiple things at once, never has that been more true than the last year and a half! Owning and running your own business is NO JOKE y'all. I wake up excited to work and tackle the to do list. I am so very very proud of what we have accomplished and continue to accomplish but boy, that 'to do list' never seems to whittle down at all!
So what is the reality? The reality of running is a business is that you get from it what you put into it, and in any given 24 hour period, you could spend all 24 hours working on things and still never feel like you are 'doing it all' ha ha. Is the basic business of this gallery getting into a groove now? Yes, but that just means that all sorts of ideas, improvements, investments and strategic considerations can now be opened up a bit and explored. It never stops and so I am learning, after too much all or nothing work, that it won't change and taking time away is mandatory for me to do virtually anything else in my life. Like spending time with my kids. Like getting some good long swims in to stay healthy.
Like getting into my studio to CREATE ART and then spending some of my weekly time staying connected with my art clients, supporters and lovers. It's kinda important, right?

Are you curious about anything related to operating a gallery? Are you wondering what is occupying so much time? (hint: it's either social or heavily related to numbers, believe it or not). Comment here and I will respond to your questions! I am looking forward, finally, to doing to occasional show and have the Sweetly Affordable Art Show next weekend, and just applied for the Kingston Square Foot Show (October) for the first time. Should be interesting! Stay tuned and I'm still posting on social and sending the occasional emails so be sure to connect with me that way!